Choosing Faith Over Fear

Love has been perfected among us in this; that we may have boldness in the day of judgment; because as He is; so are we in this world. There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But He who fears has not been made perfect in love.

John 4:17-18
little girl running down dirt road free of worry
Photo by Image by Yuliya Harbachova from Pixabay

I’ve been running from fear all my life.

Fear of fat. Fear of lack. Fear I’m too much, fear I’m not enough. Fear of failure, fear of success.

It took a toll on me and I wonder if you can relate?

I turned around to face fear because I was tired of fear facing me on every corner. What if we said the complete opposite. It’s been said that fear is only contaminated faith.

Let’s juxtapose all of this and rewrite the script. It’s possible to feel fear and still walk in faith.

I’ve been running to faith all my life. It may not have looked like it, but I have. What if we run to something instead of from something?

Running from faith to faith. Our faith saying, if God called me to it then He would bring me through it. Faith is bigger than any fear we face, even wobbly, shakey faith is bigger. Faith causes fear to shrink back with every step I take in His name. Faith is always bold.

The bible addresses fear a lot because He knew we would need to squash it. We can feel the fear but don’t have to be controlled by it.

Contaminated Faith

If we surround ourselves with people who are bound with doubt and unbelief our faith will become contaminated resulting in more fear.

This is exactly what happened to the children of Israel. The 12 spies went into the land and only two, Joshua and Caleb, came back with a good report.

Seeing with eyes of faith they were full of hope, but the others, the dream squashers, only saw the problems. The limitation. They focused on their small ability rather than God’s great capability.

How Do You See Yourself?

They saw themselves through the eyes of men rather than through the eyes of God.

Let no corrupt word come out of your mouth but words that edify and impart grace to the hearers. (Eph 4:29)

Fear is contagious, but so is faith.

Let’s choose to surround ourselves with people of faith; the mountain movers. Those who look at that teeny grain of faith, the size of a mustard seed, and see what’s contained in it.

They don’t just see a seed, they see the destiny of what that tiny seed holds. Watering it with their faith it begins to blossom.

The Finished Product

The seed package shows the picture of the finished product. The destiny of that seed. The expected end is fruit.

That seed must be removed, buried in dirt and with time and patience it will grow. You don’t dig up the seed to check on how it’s growing, you just plant, water and wait.

Prayers start putting legs on that seed. It grows and grows. Every blade of growth reflects the forthcoming destiny of the seed. Faith sees the end product way before the shape of it starts taking root and forming.

Prayer is Planting

Prayer changes things. It shuts the mouth of lions. Softens the hardest hearts and directs the hearts of Kings. Prayer creates something from nothing. Prayer protects the vulnerable from the evil.

Prayer prepares the heart to listen, to heal, to hallow the one who helps us. Fear tells you it doesn’t matter, why bother. Because, you are the object of his affection.

Jesus split the universe wide open for you and me. God bows, stretches out his arms to say, go, rule and reign. Slash every enemy telling you it will never happen. You were designed to wear his glory in your life.

Have you ever gained a thing in your life by worrying? By carrying around burdens you were never designed to manage.

He designed them heavy on purpose so you would lay them down. He didn’t equip you to carry them for a reason. Because burdens don’t have a purpose, they have a position.

Burdens are intended to weigh you down precisely why God calls you to lay them down. Fear authors them but faith is what releases them.

Set Your Mind on Things Above

You will go from faith to faith if you set your mind on things above. On higher ways than your own. The God of impossibilities wants to carry it if you will trust Him with it. He is able.

Have you been carrying things that God wants to carry for you? He designed you to have a light, carefree heart. He calls you to faith so your heart will be light and not heavy as you trust Him. Let’s trust Him together even when we feel afraid.

Come to me all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.

Matthew 11:28-30

Let’s remind ourselves together that we can walk carefree because He cares for us. We can cast all of our cares at His feet and rest in His love and care.

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